About Us


Jews today are socially integrated to a degree never before imagined. However, at the same time, many of us are at taking time to explore our deepest roots. We strive to understand what it means to be Jewish in these complicated times, and as we grow, we seek new models for learning that help us strike a balance between the values of the wider world in which we live, and the intense spiritual development that we desire. In order to achieve that equilibrium, each and every one of us must reach deep inside to discover our own profound personal relationships with Torah, the Jewish People, and the Land of Israel.


Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo’s vision is to help people cultivate these connections. For, it is only once we are connected to these foundational pillars that we can help cultivate truth and G-dliness in the world.


In order to manifest this vision, we bring together students from all walks of life and from all different types of Jewish backgrounds and education. We believe that we, as a Jewish people, are enriched by our diversity. Thus, we encourage one another to incorporate and share the knowledge, talents and experiences that we have each gleaned from our personal spiritual journeys.


Through a learning program that combines rigorous textual study in Talmud, Tanach, and Halacha with the intensity and power of Chassidic thought and practice, we probe that which unites us, searching for innovative ways of allowing Torah to infuse our lives with joy, meaning and understanding.

Our Founders: The Brodts

Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo was founded in 2001, by Rav Sholom Brodt z”l and his wife Rebbitzen Judy, with the vision of giving over Torah and Chassidut in a style and environment inspired by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach.

Rav Brodt, or Reb Sholom as he liked to be called, was one of the sweetest, most real souls of our generation.  He worked in formal and informal Jewish education for over thirty years. A master of Judaic studies teacher and storytelling, Sholom was educated at the Chabad yeshiva in Montreal, as well as other yeshivot in both Toronto and Jerusalem. A long-time student of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach zt”l, Sholom received Rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Carlebach in 1989.

Through his dearest project, Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo, Reb Sholom taught and shared Torah in a way that no other yeshiva ever has. The non-judgemental love and support with which Reb Sholom welcomed his students combined with the deep, joyful and soul-enlightening Torah that he, and others, taught made the experience of learning there truly transformative for so many people who now, together, form a widely spread but firmly interconnected world-wide community.

And for those who could not come to Jerusalem, Reb Sholom made every effort to come to communities far and wide to share sweet Torah and bring people closer to HaShem and to Am Yisrael.

Reb Sholom not only taught Torah but he and his precious Rebbetzin, Judy, opened their home to all and shared the light and warmth and joy of Judaism with anyone who was lucky enough to enter their doors, most especially at the weekly Seuda Shlishit meals on Shabbat.

Words cannot fully express his impact on the world.  He was our Rebbe, our holy brother, and our true friend who gave us so much and lifted us up so high. He inspired literally thousands of people over the years.  Sadly, on the 10th of Elul 5777 (Sept 1st 2017) he passed away.  May Hashem escort his soul to the highest yeshiva shel ma’ala and may HaShem give us all strength to carry on the work Reb Sholom started.

Reb Sholom z”l is survived by his wife Judy, who is a doula, massage therapist, interior designer and gives Kallah classes to brides.