The vision is one of Malchus, in the Palace of the King.

Who can believe that already the 6th Yahrzheit of Rav Shalom is approaching. The journey of Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo has touched the lives of thousands and impacted searching souls beyond comprehension. The unique souls that walk through the entrance of our yeshiva are some of the brightest lights in world Jewry. Rav Shalom z”l became renowned for his accepting, open and wise demeanor. He was remarkably able to straddle the two roles of confidant and leader with such integrity that his guidance became irreplaceable. In his passing, a great void has been left behind. The sweet souls that found their way into Rav Shalom’s home and heart are now devoid of such a holding. 

We wish to continue the legacy of Rav shalom appreciating each person for their individual divine contribution. We wish to encourage creative energy, we yearn to give others the confidence they need to shine their light more brightly through the world and we wish to support each bright light so they can achieve success in all their endeavors.

We at Simchat Shlomo have been trying to define our demographic, trying to understand how we can best service our people and help each soul to have their own self expression in this world. 

The idea of  Your Soul Studio has been born. A holy vessel that will facilitate the needs of young and old creative souls. An establishment and center in the heart of the Holiest City in the world, Jerusalem. A multipurpose facility that can bring balance to creative energy. The City of Jerusalem is begging us to create more light, to actualise its potential, to feed our souls, to drink in the holy waters of Torah and flood its streets with its sweet essence. Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo knows how to shine the brightest lights yet we have not yet had the establishment or four walls to bring to fruition our truest potential. 

We need you to support and invest in us so in turn we can support and invest in our Simchat Shlomo Family. Come dream with us…come create with us…come be a part of YSS, Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo, Your Soul Studio.

The facility. 

A warm inviting Torah infused vicinity that draws people in from the streets of Jerusalem to come learn and share their divine given talent with the rest of the city. 

This community multipurpose space will be used as a classroom and studio in the daytime for all ages in the Nachlaot area  and once night falls the space will be utilized for events, programming, Torah classes and showcasing the Jewish artists that frequent our Yeshiva. 

There will be a basic bar area to serve coffees and healthy treats during the day and at night the option of beverages will become available. A library to encourage those who enter to take a sefer and share some Torah. There will be opportunities for vendors to sell their creative wares. An exquisite symphony of local artisans finding their place for self expression in the orthodox world. The vision is one of Malchus, in the palace of the King.